Sunday, February 8, 2009

day of rest

Today we went to visit a Hindu temple. It was really interesting and beautiful. This time of year, every year, they have a celebration for 10 days celebrating a demi - god; the second son of lord Vishnu. He is the demi - god in which astrologists pray to. I am sick and sunburnt so I went to rest and it just so happened to be under the "tree of life." It was the tree of Vishnu, Monshiva, and Broma. Lords of Creation, Protection, and Destruction.
All very interesting and wayyy over my head but still a great learning experience.
My tattoo is of lord Vishnu, it has been confirmed :)

After that we had a free day but I opted to sleep instead of go on the Eco tour for $97.
The food here is not the best but I'm trying, haha.

That is all for now I suppose.
I'll put pictures up later.



  1. I'm so jealous!! You've only been there a couple of days and you've been snorkeling and sat under the tree of life?!? I better hear from you soon or I'm going to get extremely upset

  2. Wait, so are you in Fiji or Australia? Isn't Fiji AWESOME? I l-o-v-e-d it there. However, I also got so sunburned that I couldn't do anything the entire next day.
