Tuesday, March 17, 2009

great barrier reef pt. 1

so, this weekend was the weekend of. my. life.
absolutely, breathtakingly, amazing.
i went to the great barrier reef!! it was beyond words. it's pathetic even trying to put this down on "paper."
i will need to post a couple of entries because there is so so much to tell.
we left on thursday afternoon and arrived in the gorgeous, tropical city that night. we didn't have anything planned so we just hung out and some friends and i went to dinner. it was the most fun i've had in a long time. we ate dinner and talked for about 3 hours, then found a water park nearby where we splashed in a "lagoon" by the ocean. it was a lot of fun. a fun that can only be discribed as what you would've done in high school on a friday night when you were still a minor and participated in wholesome activities :) so. fun.

friday was the actual trip to the great barrier reef.
i can't even begin to put this is to words to do this experience justice. it's like nothing i've ever experienced before. i was in complete awe all day. looking out from the boat at the dark blue water which expanded infinitely in all directions, meeting up with the mountains of trees somewhere far off in the distance which expanded themselves into places beyond view. we rode to the reef where we would have an introduction scuba diving class. that's right, i scuba dived. never, ever in my life would i have pictured myself scuba diving. 1. because, before this trip i HATED the idea of getting in an ocean full of dangerous animals. 2. because, before this trip, i didn't realize i could scuba dive. i didn't know it was in me. well, it was and it was an awesome awesome awesome experience. i fed a sea turtle, i petted another one. i swim right next to a few schools of fishes.. it was breath taking. well, i couldn't stop breathing because if i did, my lungs would explode but, sometimes i forgot to breathe due to my breath being taken from me..
the coral was GORGEOUS and i was in absolute amazement of all the different kinds of coral that i was looking at from a bird's eye perspective.
i took a ton of pictures under water but i must get them developed. until then, watch Finding Nemo and know that i was there this weekend swimming with Nemo, Dory, and Crush. :)
pictures to come asap.

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