Monday, January 4, 2010

Cheers to 2009

It's been nearly 7 months since I last updated & I am sorry for that. I had all the intentions in the world to finish and update my blog before now but, life got in the way.
I just wanted to reflect on my life during this past year.
2009 was by far my best year EVER! It was a year of a lot of firsts, a lot of lasts, and a lot of weird, funny, sad, exciting, heartbreaking, and life-changing events. 2009 will go down in the books as one of the best years ever, for me, and I am sad to see it come to a close.
God has truly blessed me & I am eager to see what He has in store for me in 2010!!

Some things I will never forget that took place in 2009:
(including but not excluded to):
a 10 day trip to Fiji!
scuba diving
learning to surf
a trip to the outback
trips all over Oz

feeding kangaroos, koalas, bats, & other furry creatures
meeting and getting to know some of the most amazing people ever
creating life long friendships..

I turned 21!
I saw a ton of shows but Coldplay & Metric topped the charts.
I got my tonsils removed.
I moved back to Portland (where I would meet more amazing, life long friends)..

That was my 2009 on fast forward.
This blog does NOT do my past year justice.
I hope you all had a fabulous 2009 & that you will be blessed in 2010!
Happy New Year to you all & all my love!